Sweet Adelines International Music:
https://members.sweetadelines.com/sa-store Sweet Adelines International sheet music catalog for Contact International Arranged Music and Published Sheet Music. |
Barbershop Arrangements Database:
www.barbershopconnections.com/arrangements/ Search by song type, arranger, song title, etc. |
Barbershop Harmony Society Music Catalog:
shop.barbershop.org/sheet-music/ |
SAI Arrangers Contact List:
https://sweetadelines.com/resources/contact-arrangers |
Sweet Adelines International:
www.sweetadelineintl.org The official site for the wordwide organization of women singers "dedicated to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance." |
Barbershop Harmony Society:
www.barbershop.org Men's international barbershop organization |
Harmony Incorporated:
www.harmonyinc.org/ Official site of "the international organization of women barbershop singers dedicated to the performance, promotion and preservation of four-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style." |
Sweet Adelines Intl. Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/SweetAdelinesIntl/ |
Sweet Adelines International Instagram:
https://www.instagram.com/sweetadelinesintl/?hl=en |
ConverSAtion - the Unofficial Sweet Adelines Chat:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/SweetChatelines/ Facebook chat group for news and conversation about all things barbershop. Created and moderated by members (not by International.) |
SING Sweet Adeline Yahoo Group:
launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/SweetAdelinesInt/ Discussion list for members and fans of Sweet Adelines International to discuss any and all aspects of the music or the management of our choruses and quartets. |
Barbershop Learning Tracks Database:
barbershoptracks.com/database.html A consolidated source for available male and female barbershop arrangement learning tracks. Search by song title, arranger, voicing, etc. |
Barbershop Tags:
www.barbershoptags.com Vast collection of barbershop (and other a cappella) tags, including sheet music, learning tracks and videos. Anyone can upload a tag or a video |
Metronome Online:
www.metronomeonline.com/ Music tool with tempo selections that helps with your rhythm while practicing music. |
Music Theory Lessons On-Line:
www.musictheory.net/index.html Learn the basics of reading notes, time signatures, key signatures, intervals, chords, etc. |
Send a Metronome Click File:
www.webmetronome.com/ The Web Metronome is a free, online metronome. Adjust the tempo, number of beats, and accent beats - as well as capture your settings with a URL link that can't be sent to anyone. |
International Sales:
sweetadelines.com/shop/ Sweet Adelines online store |
www.cafepress.com/sweetadelines Custom promotional items for Sweet Adelines (clothing, hats, mugs, etc.) |
Harmony Marketplace:
shop.barbershop.org/ Barbershop Harmony Society online store |